Get Started With An Online Payday Loan! Here's What To Do
Getting an online payday loan for the first time can feel a little bit scary. We get it. The process is a bit different from a typical bank loan. However, getting a payday loan has never been easier! We here at Idaho Title Loans, Inc. have worked hard to streamline everything. When you get a payday loan from us, each step is predictable. You know exactly what to do, and our helpful team will be there to assist you every step of the way.
To show you just how easy it is to get started with a payday loan, we'll walk you through the process. We'll let you know what to expect. We'll even let you know how long each step takes.
What You Need To Get A Payday Loan
Not much! Since this is a loan, we do need to collect a bit of basic information from you, but you won't need to collect a lot of paperwork. As long as you have the following, we're happy to work with you for your payday loan needs:
- Driver's license or a state-issued ID.
- Your most recent pay stub
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name.
Not sure if we accept your ID? Just ask. We can accept most official forms of state-issued ID. We just need to know who you are. The name on your ID should also match up with the name on your checking account.
Let Us Know You're Interested In A Payday Loan
The first step is often the hardest. Luckily for you, we've made it the easiest step.
We have a short online form on this website that you need to fill in. This takes no more than a couple of minutes. Make sure you provide accurate information!
You'll need to give us the following:
- Your name - so we know who you are
- Your email address - so we can send over the loan terms if you are approved
- Your phone number - we'll give you a call on this number, so make sure you use the number of a phone close by
- Your zip code - we'll match you up with your closest Idaho Title Loans, Inc. branch.
Before you submit your form, you'll need to read a tiny bit of information (just a couple of paragraphs) and check some boxes. At this point, you aren't applying for a payday loan, you're just making an inquiry.
Chat With Us On The Phone
Submitted the online form? Keep your phone within reach. We'll give you a call shortly. You can then have a chat with the payday loan representative from your closest Idaho Title Loans, Inc. location.
The phone call will last just a few minutes. We'll explain a little about payday loans and invite you to ask any questions. When we wrap it up, we'll let you know your next steps. You'll also be told your closest borrowing location. You'll be heading there next.
Come Meet Us In Person
Your closest location shouldn't be too far away, and you should be able to reach us easily by car or public transport.
When you arrive, let us know your name and that you submitted an inquiry for a payday loan. You'll be handed the application form that you need to fill in. While you're doing that, we'll have a look at the documents you brought along.
In as little as thirty minutes (yes, it really is that fast!), we'll let you know whether we can approve you for a payday loan. If we can, you have a couple more forms to sign and then your work is done. It's all on us to wrap up the rest of the payday loan process.
If You're Approved - Wait For Your Cash
Once your loan agreement is signed, we'll send the cash to your bank account. It should be ready to use either the same day or by the following business day. It all depends on your bank and when you were approved for the online payday loan.
Can I Get An Online Payday Loan With Bad Credit?
Idaho Title Loans, Inc. welcomes applicants in all credit situations. Even if you have poor credit, you could still receive approval for an online payday loan. So, don't be afraid to apply, even if other lenders have turned you down. In fact, many of the applicants we deal with have bad credit.
How Much Can I Borrow With A Payday Loan?
We offer payday loans between $100-$500. How much you can borrow will depend on your situation. When you come and meet us, we'll collect a bit of information from you (including your latest pay stub) and decide whether you can borrow cash. If you can, we'll let you know exactly how much we can lend you.
What Can I Use My Payday Loan For?
Payday loans are for emergency expenses. This includes medical expenses, home repairs, travel costs, and anything where you need to spend cash right now (i.e. it can't wait until your next paycheck). Payday loans are not for frivolous expenses.
Do You Need A Bank Account For An Online Payday Loan?
Yes. If you want a payday loan from Idaho Title Loans, Inc., you'll need a bank account. In fact, one of the requirements for our payday loans will be a blank check for an active checking account in your name.
Get Your Online Payday Loan Today!
See! Getting an online payday loan isn't too tricky. if you want to get started, fill in the short online form. Once you've sent that, we'll guide you through the rest of the process. Submitting that online form is the first step toward receiving a decision on a payday loan in as little as 30 minutes! So why wait?
Our experienced and helpful loan representatives are waiting to assist you with your fast cash needs today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.