How To Get A Cash Advance If You Never Have Before
Those who have never gotten a cash advance before may be a little nervous about how to get a cash advance. There is no reason to be anxious because the process is simple and starts with you at home on your computer.
In this article, we will take you through the cash advance process and provide some important answers to your questions.
The Steps On How To Get A Cash Advance
The first step to getting a cash advance is to make sure you have the things you need to qualify. Idaho Title Loans, Inc. requires three documents that are essential in determining eligibility.
The first requirement is that you have identification issued by the state government, such as a driver’s license. You will need this to prove your identity and that you are a resident of Idaho. Your license should be current and valid with an up-to-date address and information. For those without a license, another form of photo ID issued by the state is acceptable if it is current and valid.
The second requirement is that you must have a way to prove your income, such as your most current pay stub.
This shows you are working and have the ability to repay your loan. The amount of your pay helps to determine how much you are qualified to borrow.
The third item you need is a black check that is linked to a checking account that is active and lists you as a primary account holder. This is required so that your cash advance money can be deposited and payments to the lender can be made from your checking account. If you have questions, you can ask a store representative to explain further.
Going Online
The next step is to ask for information. You can do that by submitting the form found online. This lets those at Idaho Title Loans, Inc. know you are interested in alternative funding.
A loan representative from a store near you will receive the form and your information so that they can call you. They will go over your documents and how to get a cash advance. They will also answer all of your questions and set up an appointment at the nearest store where you can complete the loan application.
The rest of the steps on how to get a cash advance will be done in person at the store, but it doesn’t take long to finish applying and get a decision.
Going To The Store
Idaho Title Loans, Inc. has stores all over the state so there is one close to you. You will bring your documents to the private lender and ask a loan representative how to get a cash advance. They will go over the required items they need to validate as well as help you move through the rest of the process.
A decision can be made as quickly as a half-hour and you could have your money the day you sign for the loan or the following business day.
This is a no-hassle process that can help you meet a necessary expense that sometimes happens between paychecks. It is an option that has helped many people and could be one that could help you too.
How Much You Can Borrow
The exact amount of money you can borrow at this private lender is determined by the amount of your pay but it ranges from $100 to $500. This is meant to be a short-term loan to help with expenses until you get paid.
Expenses could be things like an unexpected bill, a car repair, a high utility bill, prescription medication, or even food. This type of fast cash loan can be one way to meet your needs for things that can't wait until you get paid again.
A cash advance is typically repaid when you get your next paycheck. However, you should check the details on loan documents for exact terms as every private lender has different policies.
A Benefit Of Getting A Cash Advance
Getting a cash advance with this company is an option for anyone that has an income, even those with bad credit or no credit history. It's an alternative that leverages your paycheck as credit so anyone can apply with decisions made on a case-by-case basis.
Idaho Title Loans, Inc. considers your job as your credit, and the borrowed amount is based on what you earn.
Ask For Information
The steps on how to get a cash advance are simple but it starts with you asking for more information.
Fill out the online inquiry form to get the process started. Your credit won't be an issue and filling out the form won't obligate you to take out a loan. It will, however, open up an opportunity to get some fast cash for an emergency.
It doesn't hurt to ask about a cash advance and all credit is welcome to apply. It's an option that is worth checking out. Ease your financial stress and fill out the form today!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.