How A Payday Loan Can Help You Pay For Urgent Expenses
If you need to deal with an important car repair or higher-than-normal utility bills, but don’t have enough money set aside to cover the urgent expenses, you might want to get a payday loan from Idaho Title Loans, Inc. Let’s dive deeper into the topic and find out exactly why such a lending option can become one of the quickest and easiest solutions to your financial problems.
4 Reasons Why A Payday Loan Is Great For Dealing With Urgent Expenses
1. You Don’t Need To Have A Valuable Asset
There aren’t many people who own a car outright and can use it to secure a title loan. However, those who do own their vehicle or house outright might prefer not to use such a valuable asset as collateral. With a payday loan, your paycheck and promise to repay would be the only things you need to secure the loan.
2. You Can Get The Money The Same Or The Next Day
If you’re dealing with an emergency, you certainly don’t have any extra time to spend waiting for the bank to determine your eligibility and make the money transfer. If you decide to opt for a payday loan, your loan representative can come to a loan decision in just about 30 minutes.
If approved, you’ll receive your much-needed money not long after. Most borrowers typically receive their money as soon as the same day or the following business day.
3. You Don’t Need To Have Perfect Credit
Non-existent or bad credit will not prevent you from qualifying for a payday loan. There are a few different factors that the lender will take into consideration when determining a loan decision, which means that you might receive the money even if your score is below average.
4. You Can Repay The Loan With Your Next Paycheck
People typically go for a payday loan if they have found themselves struggling to make ends meet or pay for an emergency expense between paychecks. With such a lending option, you would usually be offered a portion of your next paycheck.
In a nutshell, you might end up fully paying off the loan in only a few weeks. This is a suitable option for those who do not want to stay in debt for months or even years.
What Urgent Expenses Can A Payday Loan Be Used For?
Payday loans can be used for various non-negotiable everyday expenses, like utilities, rent, and groceries, for example. The loan amount can also come in handy if you need to cover such emergencies as doctor’s visits, car problems, important home repairs, and so on.
What Documents Will You Need?
To take out a payday loan, you would be asked to provide your ID, most recent pay stub, and a blank check from an active checking account in your name. Your government-issued photo ID or driver’s license will be used to prove your identity and the fact that you’re 18 years or older. You can bring in your most recent pay stub to prove your income level, but you should know that some lenders would agree to accept alternative documents as well.
How Much Money Can You Qualify For?
With a payday loan offered by Idaho Title Loans, Inc., you can qualify for funds between $100 and $500. The exact sum will be determined in-store after one of our representatives has had a chance to assess your documents. You might also find out how much you qualify for in about 30 minutes.
Where Is The Store Located?
With us, you can begin the process online by filling out a short inquiry form. You would then be asked to visit one of our store locations to finalize the process, but this would most likely not cause you any inconvenience.
We have plenty of stores throughout the Gem State (the nearest one might be just a short drive from your home or office). And you would only have to pay a visit to our store once - the loan can be fully repaid online through a special payment portal that we have created for our clients.
Take Care Of Your Important Bills Today!
If you’re looking for a fast and easy way to cover your urgent expenses, you might want to consider a payday loan from Idaho Title Loans, Inc. With this loan option, you can receive up to $500 as soon as the same day.
Furthermore, the approval process can be completed in just 30 minutes, so you can receive the money you need as soon as possible and still have the rest of your day. Ready to get started? Complete the inquiry form online right now, and get a call soon after!
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.