How To Get A Payday Loan With Bad Credit
There comes a time in most people’s lives when they need a little outside help with money troubles. Unexpected medical expenses, overdue bills, urgent house repairs after natural disasters – the list goes on. We all go through unexpected situations – and mostly at the worst possible times.
If your money troubles are time-sensitive and require immediate attention, getting a loan is probably the best course of action you could take – even though it’s always preferable to get cash together in a way that won’t be adding to your financial obligations.
But if your credit is bad, getting a loan could get problematic. At least, with traditional financial institutions. Luckily, there are options out there for borrowers with bad credit, and Idaho payday loans from Idaho Title Loans, Inc. are one of the options for you to consider when you need emergency cash.
How To Get Idaho Payday Loans With Bad Credit
What is the main difference between traditional financial institutions like banks and Idaho payday loans from Idaho Title Loans, Inc.? Traditional financial institutions value stability over all else. To get a personal loan from a bank you need to prove you’re a “trustworthy” borrower with a good history of paying off your financial obligations and a steady paycheck.
So if you’ve got bad credit, banks aren’t likely to be very willing to approve a loan for you. On the other hand, with a title loan, you aren’t automatically denied just because you have bad credit or even no credit at all. And we won’t report to credit agencies even if you happen to default on your loan payments.
This lowers the stress levels of many people dealing with their poor or nonexistent credit. You just have to make sure that you own your vehicle outright and that the title is lien-free. The title is acting as the collateral, so it must be in your name only and free of any outstanding liens or judgments. If it isn’t you’ll have to get that taken care of at the DMV prior to applying.
What Do You Need To Apply For Idaho Payday Loans?
As mentioned above, while there are certain requirements for Idaho payday loans that we can work around when you come talk to us about your situation, there are some that must be met before you even consider applying for this loan. Here’s what you’ll need when you apply for Idaho payday loans:
- A government-issued photo ID. If you are applying for an Idaho payday loan, you have to make sure you are 18 years or older. This means you need to provide us with a valid form of identification. This can be with your driver’s license or some other state-issued photo ID.
- A blank check from an active checking account in your name. You cannot get approved for Idaho payday loans if you don’t have an active checking account as you’ll need to provide a blank check from that account. And, even with their permission, you won’t be able to use another person’s account;
- Proof of income in the form of your most recent pay stub. While it is customary to use your most recent pay stub as proof of income, if you’re currently unemployed you could possibly still get approved for Idaho payday loans. Come talk to us about your situation and we will see what the best solution could be.
If you have all of these items in order, you are ready to begin. The process is quite simple and goes pretty quickly.
How Do I Apply For Idaho Payday Loans?
As I mentioned, If you’ve got all the required items lined up, then the Idaho payday loans application process will be quick and easy for you. All you’ll be needing are your phone and an internet connection – and you can begin the process by filling out our quick online form right there from your home.
Just go to the Idaho Title Loans, Inc. website and fill out the online form for payday loans. Make sure to select payday loans because we also offer title loans and installment loans. The form will get processed in minutes and soon enough you’ll be getting a call from a loan representative from the nearest payday loans location to you. The loan representative will provide further instructions and set up an appointment for you.
Take the required items – your government-issued ID, your proof of income, a blank check from an active checking account in your name – to the appointment. The loan representative will go over everything and determine if you qualify for the loan, as well as how much cash you qualify for – which could be anywhere between $100 and $500.
If you’re approved, you’ll complete the easy paperwork right on the spot, and get the cash you qualified for the very same day. This entire procedure typically lasts no longer than 30 minutes to complete. Then you can simply go handle whatever emergency expenses you have.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.