What You Need To Remember About Your Title Loan With This Checklist
If you are struggling to keep on top of your finances and want to take out a title loan, Idaho Title Loans, Inc. may be well-placed to help you. We provide title loans to people throughout Idaho, in a wide variety of circumstances. You don’t have to have great credit or a lot of assets to be eligible for this kind of loan.
So, what do you need for a title loan and what should you know in advance? Find out more in this article.
What Do You Have To Remember About A Title Loan?
You Need To Provide ID
To get a title loan, you’ll need to be able to show us some ID. What’s more, it needs to be government-issued and have a photograph of you on it. It also must be in date and valid, or we won’t be able to accept it.
You can use things like your driver’s license or your passport if you have one of these available. If you don’t have either and you aren’t sure what we will accept, you can ask the loan agent when you speak. They’ll be glad to help you figure out what forms of identification are accepted.
You Need The Vehicle Title
You must have the title to the vehicle that you wish to borrow a loan against – this is very important. The title must also be in your name, or we can’t continue with your loan request. If you’ve got a vehicle but the title isn’t in your name, you will have to get the title transferred before you can proceed.
You can take care of the title transfer at your local DMV. Make sure this is done before you start applying for a title loan with us, as we can’t proceed with any application if you don’t technically own the vehicle.
Once you’ve got your updated title, reach out and we’ll get the ball rolling.
You Need The Vehicle Itself
The vehicle itself is also a key part of getting a loan, so add this to your checklist. You will need to bring the vehicle to be inspected by one of our trained agents, so we can assess its condition and determine how much you can borrow against it.
The vehicle inspection process can be quick and easy, and we’ll also take the opportunity to check over your paperwork and make sure that everything is in order. If it is, you can complete the loan forms, and drive away knowing that it’s all done!
You’ll have the money within the next two business days, allowing you to clear up any financial obligations you have.
You Keep The Vehicle
It’s really important to remember that when you take out a title loan, you don’t lose access to your vehicle. You can keep using it to get yourself to and from work, to get groceries, to run errands, etc.
You do need to meet your repayment schedule for this to be the case, so make sure you add this to your checklist of things to remember about your title loan, and then you’re essentially done! These are all the top considerations to be aware of when you’re checking out title loans.
How Long Does The Process Take?
The title loan process is usually pretty quick. Once you’ve filled in the form on our website, one of our agents will give you a call and run through a few brief bits of information about loans first, and address any questions you’ve got.
You can then set up a loan meeting with one of our trained representatives, and they’ll come to inspect your vehicle at a place of your choosing, or at your nearest store. The inspection should only take a few minutes and you can receive approval in just about half an hour.
Although it’s a good idea to allow plenty of time, you could be on your way in less than an hour. You’ll then get the money in your account within two working days, and sometimes even the same day.
Start Your Application Today!
You’ve now got a basic checklist of everything that you need to get a title loan from Idaho Title Loans, Inc., so you’re ready to begin the title loan process. As you can see, you don’t need to do very much to access this type of loan. It’s a quick and easy experience, and you can borrow quite a bit of money.
If you decide that a title loan is for you and your vehicle is valuable, you might get as much as $15,000 for it. To find out more and if you are eligible for a loan, all you need to do is contact us and we’ll be glad to help.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.