Get Cash Today With Title Loans Near Nampa, ID
If you’re in Nampa, Idaho and you want to leverage the value of your vehicle to get a loan, Idaho Title Loans, Inc. could be a good place to start. Working with individuals of all kinds, regardless of their credit history, we provide countless loans every year to state residents.
You might be able to access as much as $15,000 in cash if you have a valuable vehicle in good condition, so a title loan can represent a significant amount in some cases. Take a look below to find out more!
What Do You Need To Get Cash With A Title Loan?
Item 1: A Vehicle
The first and most obvious thing that you need if you want to take out a loan against a vehicle is that vehicle. You can’t borrow against a vehicle that you don’t have, even if it’s one that you intend to buy – you need to already own the car.
You’re also going to need to bring that vehicle for a physical inspection, so keep this in mind. If you’ve loaned it to somebody else, you’ll need to get it back so one of our trained agents can look it over and assess its condition. You cannot get a title loan unless you meet this requirement.
We offer title loans on various kinds of vehicles, so to find out if yours is likely to be accepted, simply fill in the form on our website. This will ask you for a few simple details, like the vehicle’s make and model, plus its year. With this, we have a starting position to work from.
Item 2: A Vehicle Title
You need a title for your vehicle too, and this must be registered in your name. If you own the car but it isn’t registered to you, you’ll have to go to the DMV to get the title transferred before you can request a loan. We can’t offer you a loan on any vehicle that isn’t registered in your name.
You’ll need to bring the vehicle’s title with you when you get the vehicle inspected so that our agent can inspect it to make sure everything is in order.
It’s also important to note that the title must not have any existing liens against it. If you’ve borrowed other money against your car, you probably won’t be eligible for a loan from us until it is paid off.
Item 3: Valid Identification
We also require some proof of your identity to offer you a title loan – but note that this doesn’t have to be your driver’s license. You can use another form of state-issued, photo ID, as long as it is in date. A current passport could be a good option if you don’t have access to your driver’s license.
Again, you’ll need to bring your ID to the meeting with our agent so they can look it over and verify that it’s all in order.
Item 4: To Be Over 18
The final requirement is that in order to get cash today from a title loan, you must be over the age of 18, and able to prove this. If you’re not over 18, you cannot get a title loan.
Do You Have To Have A Checking Account?
No! We don’t require you to have a checking account in order to take out a title loan from us, which makes this an attractive option if you don’t have an account. You will not be required to bring evidence of an account as you might be for other kinds of loans.
That makes this kind of loan a better option if you need the money swiftly. Opening a checking account can take time, and you may not be able to wait if you’ve got an urgent bill to pay. To keep things quick and easy, we don’t require you to have an account to get a loan.
We’ve also eliminated other barriers; we don’t require you to have good credit, and we don’t require extensive credit checks for this kind of loan.
Start Applying For A Loan Now
If you need cash fast, Idaho Title Loans, Inc. may be able to help you get some emergency funds within a very short time frame. If you’ve got a lien-free vehicle title loan that you can leverage as collateral for a loan and you live in Nampa, Idaho, we are in a good position to help you out.
You may be able to get access to cash today, or within a couple of days, so get in touch to find out more. You can easily start the title loan request process on our website, and we’ll be here to help you throughout the rest of the process. It’s quick and easy, and you don’t need a ton of paperwork in order to qualify.
Note: The content provided in this article is only for informational purposes, and you should contact your financial advisor about your specific financial situation.